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GCP IAM access to postgres SQL in GCP

I am trying to connect to GCP cloud sql(postgres) using pgadmin tool with IAM user but not able to login. I have connected through the Cloud sql proxy and getting authentication failed when I try to login.

Nothing much on GCP logs except the below message: 2021-12-29 11:11:04.854 UTC [1723]: [2-1] db=postgres, DETAIL: The caller does not have permission Connection matched pg_hba.conf line 20: "local all +cloudsqliamuser cloudsql-iam-user"

Added these set of roles to IAM User

Added these set of roles to IAM User

here is the running the cloud sql proxy successfully :

here is the running the cloud sql proxy successfully :

Here is the pg connection terminal error

enter image description here

In whole setup I have followed this document from GCP :


  • you are missing one step. you need to install the google cloud sdk first, then use gcloud auth login command to login into your account and authorize, then connect to cloud sql proxy.

    The connector account and the account used to log in to pgadmin should be the same.