I have the back button on my pages. When I stay on PAGE 1 and go to PAGE 2 I have only one request. And when I click the back button from PAGE 2 to PAGE 1 i receive a two same request. If I go to PAGE 2 again and go back I receive three same request.
Why ?
i have this on PAGE 1
ionViewWillEnter() {
this.route.paramMap.subscribe(paramMap => {
if (!paramMap.has('id_store')) {
this.isLoading = true;
this.atv_id = paramMap.get('id_store');
.create({ keyboardClose: true, message: 'Carico categorie...' })
.then(loadingEl => {
this.subcriber = this.ristoserv.postRistoCategories(this.atv_id).subscribe( (response: any ) => {
// check zona selezionata
this.storage.getObject('zoneData').then((data: any) => {
this.categories = response;
this.IdType = paramMap.get('id_type');
this.isLoading = false;
}, errRes => {
const code = errRes.error.error.message;
console.log('error', code);
this.isLoading = true;
Every time you call ionViewWillEnter()
you create new route subscription.
You should unsubscribe from it.
Create property
private unsubscribe$ = new Subject<void>();
use it to unsubscribe
.subscribe(paramMap => {
And emit it whenever component destroys.
ngOnDestroy() {
You can do this easier using a library @ngneat/until-destroy.
Or simply make sure you only initialize it once: if you only change parameter in your router it might not recreate your component - depending on onSameUrlNavigation config.
It would help if you showed how/when you call ionViewWillEnter()