I have some code that contains this:
var element = document.getElementById("div0");
element.parentNode.removeChild(element); // Error points here
I keep getting:
object is possibly 'null'
and tried added ! to element but it still complains.
How can I get rid of this error?
As already mentioned by @Sh. Pavel it is a Typescript error.
From my point of view you have several options but I just point out two options, which I think are the best for your issue.
Option 1: Optional Chaining
By using optional chaining the code stops the execution if it runs into a null
or undefined
. Also, it produces cleaner and less code than adding a guard for each potentially nullable property.
const element = document.getElementById("div0");
Option 2: Guard
By using a guard the code part can only be reached if the condition is true, so Typescript understand that the values are defined then
const element = document.getElementById("div0");
if (element && element.parentNode) {