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Time components of numdifftools.Jacobian should not be equal to zero

I am solving differential equations numerically using solve_ivp in order to integrate positions and velocities from an initial condition. This is straighfoward in Python and easy to do. But I am also calculating the partials of final positions and velocities with respect to the initial positions/velocities and time using numdifftools.Jacobian. This I have more trouble mastering. Let me explain.

I have a set of differential equations (see rhs_CR3BP function) that I numerically integrate over a timespan [0,T] using the Python solver solve_ivp given an initial state vector X_0 at t=0 (position and velocity). At the end of the integration, I have all the state vectors from t=0 to t=T stored in solve_ivp.y, with the final state vector X_f at t=T stored in solve_ivp.y[:, -1].

I am trying to compute numerically partial derivatives of the final state vector X_f with respect to the initial state vector X_0 and period T, which are in fact the components of a Jacobian matrix.

Consider the following vector:

X = [x_0, y_0, z_0, vx_0, vy_0, vz_0, T] # this is X_0 and T

The vectorial partial derivative of X_f relative to X is given by the following Jacobian matrix:

enter image description here

To compute this matrix, I made a function (see propagation function) that takes as a variable a vector composed of X_0 and T called X, and returns X_f. Then, this function is combined with numdifftools.Jacobian to compute the Jacobian matrix. When I run my code (see below), the Jacobian matrix is properly calculated for the partial derivatives of X_f relative to X_0 (first 6 columns), but the very last column with partial derivatives of X_f relative to T are equal to zero. I know this cannot be because those derivatives are actually the final velocities and accelerations at t=T.

enter image description here

How come the initial condition X_0 is taken into account in the evolution of X_f and the time T is not? That does not make any sense. In solve_ivp, it looks as if the timespan (tspan=(0,T)) is completely ignored but the initial condition (y0=X_0) is not. Why is that? Am I not using solve_ivp and numdifftools.Jacobian properly?

If my question needs more details, please let me know, I'll happily provide more explanations by the end of day.

import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
import numdifftools as nd

def rhs_CR3BP(t, X0, mu):
    """Integrates the CR3BP equations of motion"""
    x, y, z, v_x, v_y, v_z = X0
    r = np.sqrt((x-1+mu)**2+y**2+z**2)
    d = np.sqrt((x+mu)**2+y**2+z**2)
    a_x = 2*v_y + x - (1-mu)*(x+mu)/d**3 - mu/r**3*(x-1+mu)
    a_y = -2*v_x + y - (1-mu)*y/d**3 - mu*y/r**3
    a_z = -(1-mu)*z/d**3 - mu*z/r**3
    return np.array([v_x, v_y, v_z, a_x, a_y, a_z])

def propagation(X, mu):
    X_0 = X[0:6]
    T = X[6].real
    sol = solve_ivp(fun=rhs_CR3BP, t_span=(0, T), y0=X_0, method='RK45', rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-10, args=(mu,), dense_output=True)
    X_f = sol.y[:, -1]
    return X_f

T = 0.732 # period
x, y, z, vx, vy, vz = 1.085, 0, 0, 0, -0.464, 0 # position and velocity components
X0 = [x, y, z, vx, vy, vz] # initial state vector
X = np.array([x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, T]) # X_0 and T

mu = 0.012 # arbitrary parameter
f = lambda X: propagation(X, mu)
f = nd.Jacobian(f, method='complex')
DF = np.real(f(X))


  • Replacing nd.Jacobian(f, method='complex') with nd.Jacobian(f, method='central') yields the following matrix:

    array([[ -1.809,   0.609,   0.   ,  -0.16 ,   1.148,   0.   ,   0.027],
           [ -5.119,   3.386,   0.   ,  -1.052,   1.34 ,   0.   ,   0.468],
           [  0.   ,   0.   ,  -0.849,   0.   ,   0.   ,   0.153,   0.   ],
           [-22.765,  10.802,   0.   ,  -3.568,   8.253,   0.   ,   1.907],
           [  0.836,  -0.096,   0.   ,   0.103,   0.621,   0.   ,  -0.156],
           [  0.   ,   0.   ,  -1.532,   0.   ,   0.   ,  -0.902,   0.   ]])

    These entries for df/dT in the final column look much more plausible.

    All of your variables appear to be real-valued, but you have requested method=complex in your call to Jacobian. This is asking for trouble, for reasons I shall expand on below.

    Real-differentiable vs complex-differentiable

    As stated in the numdifftools docs:

    Complex methods are usually the most accurate provided the function to differentiate is analytic

    An analytic function is one that can be represented by a power series, and there is a special relationship between analytic functions and complex-differentiable functions: these two classes of functions are the same (skipping some technical details). In contrast, there are many functions that are differentiable along the real line but which are not analytic.

    Importantly, just because a function is differentiable for real numbers, does not mean it is also complex-differentiable (i.e. analytic). Your function is guaranteed to be real-differentiable with respect to T, but there is no guarantee that it will be complex-differentiable for complex T.

    Complex-differentiable functions are a much more select group than real-differentiable functions, and they have many properties that are not true of all real-differentiable functions (besides being analytic). For example, if a complex function can be differentiated once, it can be differentiated infinitely many times. An example of a real-differentiable function that is not complex-differentiable is f(x) = |x|**3.