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PowerApps filter returning incomplete data record...?

I have an Azure SQL database, and my records inside table Spiderfood_RITMData in that database includes 13 different fields. Lots of stuff. I have confirmed in SQL-SMS that the records have data in each field.

enter image description here

There are way more items in the database than PowerApps can see using LOOKUP (1600-9000 records or more). However, I know FOR A FACT that there is only ONE record that has any given value in the NUMBER column. It's not a primary key, but it is unique in the table.

In PowerApps, I am trying to pull that field so that I can eventually parse out the individual items.

So, the commands I'm trying are:

ClearCollect(MLE_test1, Filter('Spiderfood_RITMData', "RITM2170467" in Number));
ClearCollect(MLE_test2, Search('Spiderfood_RITMData',"RITM2170467", "Number"));

However, the Collection results for MLE_test1 and MLE_test2 both are empty EXCEPT for the value of NUMBER. Say what?!

enter image description here

I'm trying to use the examples posted on but I am honestly getting baffled by this.

How should I be formatting this call such that I can pull the whole record?

Big picture explanation: I need to do a lot of data LOOKUPS into my table Spiderfood_RITMData table, but it has way more than 2000 rows, and PowerApps will not perform the Lookup correctly. So my presumably smart idea is to create a MUCH SMALLER "version" of Spiderfood_RITMData as a local collection, using a more delegateable function (such as FILTER or IN). If I filter by all records containing the values of NUMBER, then I go from, say a 10,000-record SQL table to a 10-record Collection. And I can do LOOKUPS against that collection for the rest of the function (uh, I think -- I'm still trying to experiment accordingly). Please let me know if this is crazy or not.


  • LookUp is just used to get one record, instead try this:

    ClearCollect(MLE_test1, Filter('Spiderfood_RITMData', "RITM2170467" = Number));

    This gets a collection with all the items where Number is = to "RITM2170467"

    Collections are limited to only 2000 records in each collections.