I am attempting to construct an immutable Trie defined as such:
case class Trie(children: Map[Char, Trie] = Map.empty[Char, Trie], value: Option[String] = None)
With the following extension methods:
extension (t: Trie)
def addAll(words: Seq[String]): Trie =
words.foldLeft(new Trie())(_.insert(_))
def insert(word: String): Trie =
var cur = t
word.foreach(c => {
if !cur.children.contains(c) then
cur = cur.copy(children = cur.children + (c -> new Trie()))
end if
cur = cur.children.get(c).get
cur.copy(value = Some(word))
My issue at present is with the insert
method specifically: I've tried a number of different approaches, but all my attempts fail to return the root of the Trie, i.e. I am unable to insert new nodes in such a way that an entire branch from the root node to leaf is copied along with the newly inserted node.
To further illustrate, the following:
@main def hello: Unit =
println(new Trie().insert("bot").insert("bat"))
Simply results in: Trie(Map(),Some(bat))
I am new to Scala and FP in general, so I am unsure of best approaches here.
The appears to get at what you're after.
case class Trie(children : Map[Char, Trie] = Map()
,value : Option[String] = None):
def insert(word: String, index: Int = 0): Trie =
word.lift(index).fold(copy(value=Some(word))){c =>
copy(children + (c -> children.getOrElse(c,Trie()).insert(word, index+1)))
//Trie(Map(i -> Trie(Map(n -> Trie(Map(n -> Trie(Map(),Some(inn))),Some(in))),None)),None)