I've created a button which takes a selected album's store id and puts it in a queue for the music player, but for some reason, it does not play and returns the following error:
Failed to prepareToPlay error: Error Domain=MPMusicPlayerControllerErrorDomain Code=6
Here is the code for the button (I put the player vars in there to be easier for here)
var storeIds: [String] = [ "ID" ]
Button(action: {
let player = MPMusicPlayerController.applicationQueuePlayer
let queue = MPMusicPlayerStoreQueueDescriptor(storeIDs: storeIds)
storeIds = ["\(album.id)".replacingOccurrences(of: "l.", with: "")]
print("ID: ", storeIds) // Example ID: ["Qn4Bnha"]
player.setQueue(with: storeIds)
Also, I remove the "l." from the id because every album starts with that which is not needed.
If you're trying to play an album from the library, then I had problems with that as well.
From what I've noticed, the MusicItemID of a library song is different from an album song, and the player cannot play it. The same goes in the case of a library album. If I get the id of the library song and send another request to - https://api.music.apple.com/v1/me/library/albums/{id}/catalog, And then set it to the queue; it works fine.
You can get the album's local ID and then make another request to the catalog as a workaround. If there's an album on Apple Music, then it should work.
Here's an example that works fine for me:
do {
/// First request to get the heavy rotation albums
guard let url = URL(string: "https://api.music.apple.com/v1/me/history/heavy-rotation") else { return }
let request = MusicDataRequest(urlRequest: URLRequest(url: url))
let response = try await request.response()
let heavyRotationAlbums = try JSONDecoder().decode(MusicItemCollection<Album>.self, from: response.data)
/// Get the first album
guard let album = heavyRotationAlbums.first else { return }
/// Get the local album ID
let albumID = album.id
/// Another request to get the album from Apple Music Catalog
guard let catalogURL = URL(string: "https://api.music.apple.com/v1/me/library/albums/\(albumID)/catalog") else { return }
let catalogRequest = MusicDataRequest(urlRequest: URLRequest(url: catalogURL))
let catalogResponse = try await catalogRequest.response()
let albums = try JSONDecoder().decode(MusicItemCollection<Album>.self, from: catalogResponse.data)
/// Get the same album, but with the catalog ID
guard let catalogAlbum = albums.first else { return }
/// Encode the parameters
let data = try JSONEncoder().encode(catalogAlbum.playParameters)
/// Decode the parameters to `MPMusicPlayerPlayParameters`
let playParameters = try JSONDecoder().decode(MPMusicPlayerPlayParameters.self, from: data)
// Create the queue
let queue = MPMusicPlayerPlayParametersQueueDescriptor(playParametersQueue: [playParameters])
let player = MPMusicPlayerController.applicationMusicPlayer
/// Set the queue
player.setQueue(with: queue)
try await player.prepareToPlay()
/// Finally, play the album!
} catch {