I have three subprojects (Angular and Node.js) in the same GitLab project. Now I want to create the gitlab-ci.yml
file for building and deploying one of this subprojects. Can I create three different gitlab-ci.yml
files and run them inside subdirectories? Is it possible? Or should I push those into three different projects?
My personal preference is to keep projects small. So I usually create one GitLab project per, e.g., module, library, program, design, etc.
But if you really wanted to, you could easily either:
Create a single .gitlab-ci.yml
that goes something like:
stage: test
- |
cd "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/folder1"
< do stuff >
cd "$CI_PROJECT_DIR/folder2"
< do stuff>
Create multiple gitlab-ci configurations inside the folders and include them in the root .gitlab-ci.yml file
- 'folder1/pipeline.yml'
- 'folder2/pipeline.yml'
Note that when using the second option, you will still have to cd folderX
since pipelines always start in the repository's root directory, no matter from where they are imported.