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How can I preserve missing cells in a downloaded data file?

I have a crappy dataset which I got from, and I'm trying to clean it up using Python and R. The HTML file looks like this: enter image description here but when I download the file, it contains extra spaces as padding, as well as where there is missing data. This means that I can't use Python's .replace method to change the spaces to NAs. After downloading the original file, I replace the spaces with commas using this script:

with open("./emerlin_vla_subaru/subaru.dat", 'r') as f:

with open("./emerlin_vla_subaru/subaru_fixed.dat" ,"w+") as f:
    for i in range(len(a)):

but this method deletes the missing cells and shifts the data to the left to fill the blanks. I tried using R, but it doesn't realize that there are those blank cells in the middle of the data. Does anyone know how I can clean up the data, or find an already tidied version?


  • In R, you can install.packages("rvest") and use

    x <- (rvest::read_html("subaru.dat.gz") |> rvest::html_table())[[1L]]

    to get the data into a dataframe without loss. The only thing you need is RAM since R is quite a RAM-intensive language, and your HTML file is very large. It takes about 5 mins to read the data into memory. The whole process peaked at slightly more than 14 GiB memory usage on my laptop.

    The output should look like this

    > x
    # A tibble: 376,380 x 28
       `RAdeg DEdegdeg ~ `Bmag (e)mag`  `Vmag (e)mag`  `rmag (e)mag`  `imag (e)mag` `zmag (e)mag` `ymag (e)mag` `[3.6] (e)mag`
       <chr>             <chr>          <chr>          <chr>          <chr>         <chr>         <chr>         <chr>         
     1 157.7550584  67.~ 21.6219      ~ 24.0         ~ 23.3316      ~ 22.0066     ~ 21.115      ~ ""            "19.87723732 ~
     2 157.7448037  67.~ 25.0246      ~ 23.9475      ~ 22.9581      ~ 22.2232     ~ 22.003      ~ ""            ""            
     3 157.7565074  67.~ 24.7904      ~ 25.4817      ~ 24.5512      ~ 23.5114     ~ 24.6046     ~ ""            ""            
     4 157.7241218  67.~ 25.1506      ~ 24.0261      ~ 22.7778      ~ 21.7253     ~ 21.2324     ~ "23.87630082~ "20.19021606 ~
     5 157.7430948  67.~ 24.0397      ~ 23.6024      ~ 22.9016      ~ 22.2357     ~ 22.0235     ~ ""            ""            
     6 157.7508459  67.~ 25.3215      ~ 25.3467      ~ 24.385       ~ 24.7648     ~ 24.5042     ~ ""            ""            
     7 157.728751   67.~ 23.7913      ~ 23.5786      ~ 22.4722      ~ 22.05       ~ 21.7701     ~ ""            ""            
     8 157.7336379  67.~ 25.5835      ~ 23.5972      ~ 22.0607      ~ 20.7663     ~ 20.3327     ~ ""            "19.24077034 ~
     9 157.7610664  67.~ 25.2398      ~ 24.6624      ~ 24.3885      ~ 24.1111     ~ 23.2762     ~ ""            ""            
    10 157.7563166  67.~ 23.1946      ~ 28.0006      ~ 32.30285645  ~ 24.701      ~ 23.2054     ~ ""            ""            
    # ... with 376,370 more rows, and 20 more variables: [4.5] (e)mag <chr>, Id--- <dbl>, za--- <dbl>, chiza--- <dbl>,
    #   (e) (E) <chr>, (e) (E) <chr>, Nfilt--- <dbl>, e1--- <dbl>, e2--- <dbl>, Radpix <dbl>, RadRatio--- <dbl>,
    #   BulgeA--- <dbl>, DiscA--- <dbl>, BulgeIndex--- <dbl>, DiscIndex--- <dbl>, BulgeFlux--- <dbl>, DiscFlux--- <dbl>,
    #   FluxRatio--- <dbl>, snr--- <dbl>, SourceId--- <chr>

    Performance measurement

    > system.time(x <- (rvest::read_html("subaru.dat.gz") |> rvest::html_table())[[1L]])
       user  system elapsed 
     288.75    2.72  291.62