I'm trying to distribute my release bundles using the jfrog CLI and based on how we have setup our Artifactory instance I'm not sure how the web interface maps to the [CLI API][1]. On the web interface it asks me to select the edge nodes I want to distribute to however, the API talks about sites, cities and country codes. My goal is to distribute to a single one of the edge nodes.
[1]: https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/CLI/CLI+for+JFrog+Distribution#CLIforJFrogDistribution-DistributingaReleaseBundle%20(
The difference between the UI and REST API/CLI is that:
The pattern build in the json (distribution_rules):
So, in your case site == edge, city and country code are optional params. See Mission Control API for getting list of Destinations: https://www.jfrog.com/confluence/display/JFROG/Mission+Control+REST+API#MissionControlRESTAPI-GetJPDList