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Use different env configs per environment | Angular Typescript

In Angular, I want to use different env configs per environment.

That means, if I for example deploy to the dev Enviroment, I want the Angular App to use the Dev Variables, and if I deploy to Prod I want Angular to use the prod Variables.

Is there a way to do that? For Example create a file with all the variables and then Angular just has to look in which environmnent it is in and choose the right variable.


  • just create a new typescript file in project root directory, same directory where pacakage.json file exist, lets say you make a file with name set-env.ts put this code into the file

    import { writeFile } from 'fs';
    // Configure Angular `environment.ts` file path
    const targetPath = './src/environments/environment.ts';
    const targetPathProd = './src/environments/';
    const envConfigFile = `export const environment = {
       production: false,
       serverURL: '',
       someOtherProperty: 'response'
    const envProdConfigFile = `export const environment = {
       production: true,
       serverURL: '',
       someOtherProperty: 'value'
    console.log('The file `environment.ts` will be written with the following content: \n');
    writeFile(targetPath, envConfigFile, function (err) {
      if (err) {
        throw console.error(err);
      } else {
        console.log(`Angular environment.ts file generated correctly at ${targetPath} \n`);
    writeFile(targetPathProd, envProdConfigFile, function (err) {
      if (err) {
        throw console.error(err);
      } else {
        console.log(`Angular file generated correctly at ${targetPath} \n`);

    Now add this line to package.json file inside scripts tag

    "config-env": "ts-node set-env.ts",
    "build": "ng build"

    Now when you are building your project you can simply use this command

    npm run config-env & npm run build

    npm run config-env command will overwrite your environment files with configurations that you have written in set-env.ts