I am trying to bridge my mosquitto broker running in raspberry pi to the cloud Mosquitto mqtt broker(test.mosquitto.org:1883).
I am not getting message in my client connected to the local broker, When I publish from a client connected to the cloud broker . But I am getting messages on the client connected to the cloud mosquitto broker from the client connected to the local MQTT Broker. I don't have any firewalls to block messages.
my mosquitto.conf file is like this
connection bridge-01
address test.mosquitto.org:1883
topic # out 0
topic # in 0
And I also have
listener 1883
allow_anonymous true
in my config
How to solve this issue?. Where am I going wrong??
Global wildcard subscriptions (subscribing to #
) is disabled on the test.mosquitto.org
broker because it generates too much load.
$ mosquitto_sub -h test.mosquitto.org -v -t '#'
All subscription requests were denied.
You can change the topic # in 0
line to only pull in only the topics you are actually using.
Please also remember this broker is only really meant for testing, you should not be using it as a free cloud relay for anything long term.