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Problem with the Tool Flags during the c++ module compilation

I'm trying to compile the module in Eclipse and generate the additional output disassembles

I've added these Tool Flags

-fverbose-asm -Wa,-adhln -save-temps=obj > %OutFile%.asm

But I receive this error

clang: error: unsupported argument '-adhln' to option 'Wa,'

Does anybody had a similar issue? If so please help

Many Thanks


  • OK so the target was to generate the assemblies with the instructions HEX and relative addresses

    I was not able to do that using Eclipse >> Tool Flags so I simply left one flag:


    Which generates AT&T systax assemblies but without details like (instruction Hex or relative address)

    But I've managed to generate INTEL syntax assemblies with all the details I need to debug my problem using objdump

    objdump -d -M intel -S DMAProcesor.o > DMAProcessor.asm