I have multiple treeviews in the table layout panel - C# windows application.
Each cell consists of Treeview or dropdown or textbox. I can get the value of textbox and dropdown but I am unable to get the selected node of multiple Treeviews in the table layout panel.
below my code.
int rows;
int column;
rows = tableLayoutPanel1.RowCount;
column = tableLayoutPanel1.ColumnCount;
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < column; j++)
Control value = tableLayoutPanel1.GetControlFromPosition(j, i);
//here i got specified treeview but i can't get refernce. getting error
string controlName = value.Controls.Owner.Name;
//here i got error i am unable to get treeview selected text
string seletedvalue = controlName.SelectedNode.Text;
You are getting the control, but you are not checking what type of control it is, and you are not casting it. So it stays as a general control and not a TreeView. And only the TreeView has nodes.
You can also simply the selection of the specific control that you want.
foreach ( TreeView tv in tableLayoutPanel1.Controls.OfType<TreeView>())
string seletedvalue = tv.SelectedNode.Text;
MessageBox.Show(tv.Name + " " + seletedvalue);