In my Word (Office 365) document, I can insert a Quick Part for the company name by clicking Insert / Quick Parts / Document Property / Company.
I'd like a macro to do that, so I can pop a button on my Quick Access toolbar to make it one click not four.
When I record the process, the macro does not register the insert. I found that the following VBA code inserts the current text of the field, but not the content control itself:
I figure there must a single line of VBA that would insert the Company Quick Part field into my document, as if I had done those four clicks.
The trick is to map the content control to the Company
Sub insertCompanyCC()
On Error GoTo err_insert
Dim cc As ContentControl
Set cc = ActiveDocument.ContentControls.Add(wdContentControlText, Selection)
With cc
.Title = "Company"
.XMLMapping.SetMapping "/ns0:Properties[1]/ns0:Company[1]"
End With
Exit Sub
Select Case Err
Case 4605
MsgBox "Please move your cursor outside of the content control.", vbExclamation
Case Else
Err.Raise Err.Number, Err.Source
End Select
Resume exit_insert
End Sub
e.g. /ns1:coreProperties[1]/ns0:creator[1]
would insert the author.