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How can I write a pivot that takes this form of data to the result desired?

I have a table that looks like this

CREATE TABLE foo (id, name, category)
  ( 1, 'name1.1', 'cat1.1.1'),
  ( 1, 'name1.2', 'cat1.1.1'),
  ( 1, 'name1.3', 'cat1.2.1'),
  ( 2, 'name2.1', 'cat2.1.1'),
  ( 2, 'name2.2', 'cat2.1.1'),
  ( 3, 'name3.1', 'cat3.1.1')

I'm trying to get a result that looks like this,

Id name1 name2 name3
1 name1.1 name1.2 name1.3
2 name2.1 name2.2
3 name3.1


  • I would aggregate all names into an array, then extract the array elements as columns:

    select id, 
           names[1] as name1,
           names[2] as name2,
           names[3] as name3
    from (
       select id, 
              array_agg(name order by name) as names
       from foo
       group by id
    ) t   

    If the names could contain things like name10.11 then the order of the columns won't be numerical because the string '10' is lower than the string '2'. If you want the order to reflect the numbers, the sorting gets a bit more complicated:

    array_agg(name order by string_to_array(replace(name, 'name', ''), '.')::int[]) as names

    This removes the name prefix and converts the numbers to an integer array which then sorts properly. Another option is to remove everything that's not a digit or dot:

    array_agg(name order by string_to_array(regexp_replace(name, '[^0-9.]', '', 'g'), '.')::int[]) as names