I got word-embedding using BERT and need to feed it as an embedding layer in the Keras model, and the error I got is
ValueError: Layer weight shape (30522, 768) not compatible with provided weight shape ()
the model is
embedding = Embedding(30522, 768, mask_zero=True)(sentence)
You are passing to set_weights
a list of list:
embedding_matrix = [np.random.uniform(0,1, (30522, 768))]
sentence = Input((20,))
embedding = Embedding(30522, 768, mask_zero=True)(sentence)
model = Model(sentence, embedding)
while you should simply pass a list of arrays:
embedding_matrix = np.random.uniform(0,1, (30522, 768))
sentence = Input((20,))
embedding = Embedding(30522, 768, mask_zero=True)(sentence)
model = Model(sentence, embedding)