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Getting the databound value from repeater control in

As a follow up to my question Looping through a repeater control to get values of Textbox in If user has entered a a quantity in the textbox, I want to get the corresponding ProductID value from the repeater control:

<asp:Repeater ID="rptRequestForm" runat="server">
                            <table border="0" width="100%">
                                    <td style="width:50%" class="TextFontBold"><asp:Label runat="server" ID="Label1" Text="Supply Name"></asp:Label></td>
                                    <td style="width:25%" class="TextFontBold"><asp:Label runat="server" ID="Label2" Text="Quantity"></asp:Label></td>
                                    <td style="width:25%" class="TextFontBold"><asp:Label runat="server" ID="Label3" Text="Price (ea.)"></asp:Label></td>
                            <table border="0" width="100%">
                                    <td style="width:50%" class="TextFont"><asp:Label ID="lblProductName" Text="<%#Trim(Eval("Product_Title"))%>" ><%#Trim(Eval("Supplie_title"))%></asp:Label></td>
                                    <td style="width:25%"><asp:TextBox ID="txtBox" runat="server" Width="30%" onblur="Javascript:numberonly(this)"></asp:TextBox></td>
                                    <td style="width:25%" class="TextFont"><span><%#Trim(FormatCurrency(Eval("Price")))%></span></td>

My codebehind is:

For Each item As RepeaterItem In rptRequestForm.Items
                txtField = item.FindControl("txtBox")
                If Not IsNothing(txtField) Then
                    j += 1
                    strText = strText & ", " & txtField.Text
                End If

I am using FindControl to loop through the textbox (to see if user has entered a valid quantity). How can I get the value of the corresponding ProductID ?


  • Add a label to your ItemTemplate, like this:

    <td style="width:50%" class="TextFont"><asp:Label ID="lblProductName" runat="server"><%#Trim(Eval("Product_Title"))%></asp:Label></td>

    And in your code behind, find it like this:

    foreach (RepeaterItem item in Repeater1.Items)
        TextBox txtField = (TextBox)item.FindControl("txtBox");
        //extract value from textbox
        int Quantity = Convert.ToInt32(((TextBox)item.FindControl("txtBox").Text);
        //extract the value from the label
        string productName = ((Label)item.FindControl("lblProductName")).Text;