I am using ActiveStorage
to allow users to upload videos to Amazon S3 and for them to view them at a later date. The videos are an attachment in a model Lesson.
class Lesson
has_one_attached :video
and the html to stream the video is
<video controls class='video_size'>
<source src=<%= rails_blob_path(lesson.video) %> type='video/mp4' />
However, I have a number of videos that I have created that I want to allow users to view. These videos have already be uploaded directly to the same S3 bucket, so I know the amazon url of the videos.
Is there a way of directly creating an ActiveStorage blob using these known urls ie.
@special_blob = create_blob_from_amazon_url(amazon_url)
and then in the view
<video controls class='video_size'>
<source src=<%= rails_blob_path(@special_blob) %> type='video/mp4' />
or do I have to upload the videos using ActiveStorage to create a blob?
I think what you're looking for is #build/create_after_upload!