Let's say you are using react
and redux
and you have the following elements on a page:
The expected flow is that the save button should dispatch a save
redux thunk to handle the async behaviour of the save. So far, so good.
But there's an extra tricky requirement:
I think that there are a couple of ways to handle this:
This is the easiest one. Basically you'll add the input
state to your Redux store and when you thunk dispatch the SAVE_SUCCESS
action, your reducer will respond with something like this:
SAVE_SUCCESS(state, action) {
state.inputValue = '';
The downside of this is that you'll have to dispatch an action on every key stroke, and that is going to flood your Redux devTools inspector.
function (using useCallback
) to your save thunk
Something like this:
const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState('initialVale');
const clearInput = useCallback(() => setInputValue(''),[]);
const onClick = dispatch(saveThunk({clearInput});
So, from the thunk you would do something like:
const { clearInput } = thunkProps;
await saveToDB();
clearInput(); // THIS COMES FROM THE thunkProps
So, from the thunk you would do something like:
const { inputRef } = thunkProps;
await saveToDB();
inputRef.current.value = '';
Which one would you go for and why? And also, is there a better approach to this that I'm not aware of?
I would go for awaiting the promise from the thunk in the component, and setting component state there, as shown in our tutorials:
const handleKeyDown = async e => {
// If the user pressed the Enter key:
const trimmedText = text.trim()
if (e.which === 13 && trimmedText) {
// Create and dispatch the thunk function itself
// Wait for the promise returned by saveNewTodo
await dispatch(saveNewTodo(trimmedText))
// And clear out the text input