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Python Poetry and Script Entrypoints

Im trying to use Poetry and the scripts option to run a script. Like so:


xyz = "src.cli:main"

Folder layout

    ├── poetry.lock
    ├── pyproject.toml
    ├── run-book.txt
    └── src

I then perform an install like so:

❯ poetry install
Installing dependencies from lock file

No dependencies to install or update

If I then try and run the command its not found (?)

❯ xyz
zsh: command not found: xyz

Am i missing something here! Thanks,


  • Poetry is likely installing the script in your user local directory. On Ubuntu, for example, this is $HOME/.local/bin. If that directory isn't in your path, your shell will not find the script.

    A side note: It is generally a good idea to put a subdirectory with your package name in the src directory. It's generally better to not have an in your src directory. Also consider renaming to This will allow your package to be run as a script using python -m package_name.