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3d array to matrix multiplication

I have a matrix called vec with two columns, vec[:,0] and vec[:,1]. P contains two matrices, P[0,:,:] and P[1,:,:]. I want to mulitiply P[0,:,:] with the first column of vec and multiply P[1,:,:] with the second column of vec. However, the operation P@vec also gives me the matrix product of P[0,:,:] with the second column of vec and the matrix product of P[1,:,:] with the first column of vec, which slows my code.

Is it possible to directly compute the pairs column 1 to matrix 1 and column 2 to matrix 2 without the "off" products?

import numpy as np

P=np.arange(50).reshape(2, 5, 5)



  • There is a very powerful function in numpy called np.einsum. It can perform all kind of tensor contractions, axis reordering and matrix multiplication. For your example you could use

    res = np.einsum('nij,jn->in', P, vec)

    after which res is exactly like want.

    How does this work: You give the np.einsum function both your arrays as well as a signature (that 'nij,jn->in' string) that tells the function how to multiply the arrays. In short, you want the third axis of the P tensor to be contracted with the first axis of vec. Therefore you choose the same index j in the signature string and leave it out in the part after the ->. A mere broadcast is done if indices appear on the left and right hand side of the ->, which is done here for the n and i indices.

    A more complete explanation of this very powerful function with many examples of how to use it can be found at the corresponding numpy documentation.