I have created two plt.pie in the shape of donuts. The 1st encompassing the 2nd, and the 2nd encompassing the void, a white hole. I would like to create a plt.legend () but only including the second plot. I can't seem to select only the second one.
In my caption I want to display each labels of labels_origin with the percentage they represent, as well as the correct color code.
It seems here that he is mixing the colors of my 2 plots.
Anyone have a solution please?
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
labels = ["Part pertes", "Part humaine", "Part animale", "Part autres utilisations", "Part semences", "Part traitements"]
sizes = [part_pertes , part_humaine , part_animale, part_autres_util, part_semences, part_traitements]
labels_origine = ["Part pertes - Animale", "Part pertes - Végétale",
"Part humaine - Animale", "Part humaine - Végétale",
"Part animale - Animale", "Part animale - Végétale",
"Part autres utilisations - Animale", "Part autres utilisations - Végétale",
"Part semences - Animale", "Part semences - Végétale",
"Part traitements - Animale", "Part traitements - Végétale"]
sizes_origine = [part_pertes_prod_anim, part_pertes_prod_veget,
part_humaine_prod_anim , part_humaine_prod_veget,
part_animale_prod_anim, part_animale_prod_veget,
part_autres_util_prod_anim, part_autres_util_prod_veget,
part_semences_prod_anim, part_semences_prod_veget,
part_traitements_prod_anim, part_traitements_prod_veget]
size = 0.3
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
# Couleurs
colors = ["#ff5959", "#2693ff", "#59FF59", "#FF8C19", "#3D3DC8", "#ffb3e6"]
colors_origine = ['#ff9999', "#ffd8d8", "#66b3ff", "#a5d2ff", "#99ff99", "#D8FFD8",
"#FFAC59", "#FFCB98", "#c2c2f0", "#7B7BDC", "#ffb3e6", "#FFF2FA" ]
plot1 = plt.pie(sizes, labels=labels, colors=colors, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=45, pctdistance=0.85,
textprops={"fontsize":14}, radius=1, wedgeprops=dict(width=size, edgecolor='w'))
plot2 = plt.pie(sizes_origine, colors=colors_origine, startangle=45, pctdistance=0.85,
radius=1-size, wedgeprops=dict(width=size, edgecolor='w'))
labels=['%s, %1.1f%%' % (
l, (float(s) / total) * 100) for l, s in zip(labels_origine, sizes_origine)],
bbox_to_anchor=(1.7, 1),
prop={'size': 14},
title="Origine des parts",
plt.title("Répartition des différentes parts de la disponibilité intérieure mondiale", fontsize=20)
A quick fix could be manually setting the legend handles colors. You need to get the current axis with .gca()
, then get the legend from the axis and manually set the color by iterating over them (the code needs to be inserted after the legend call):
ax = plt.gca()
leg = ax.get_legend()
for index, color_origine in enumerate(colors_origine):
Working example with random values:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
labels = ["Part pertes", "Part humaine", "Part animale", "Part autres utilisations", "Part semences", "Part traitements"]
sizes = [15 , 38 , 200, 10, 25, 44]
labels_origine = ["Part pertes - Animale", "Part pertes - Végétale",
"Part humaine - Animale", "Part humaine - Végétale",
"Part animale - Animale", "Part animale - Végétale",
"Part autres utilisations - Animale", "Part autres utilisations - Végétale",
"Part semences - Animale", "Part semences - Végétale",
"Part traitements - Animale", "Part traitements - Végétale"]
sizes_origine = [11, 45,
100 , 12,
24, 3,
55, 87,
34, 43,
22, 77]
size = 0.3
fig= plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
# Couleurs
colors = ["#ff5959", "#2693ff", "#59FF59", "#FF8C19", "#3D3DC8", "#ffb3e6"]
colors_origine = ['#ff9999', "#ffd8d8", "#66b3ff", "#a5d2ff", "#99ff99", "#D8FFD8",
"#FFAC59", "#FFCB98", "#c2c2f0", "#7B7BDC", "#ffb3e6", "#FFF2FA" ]
plot1 = plt.pie(sizes, labels=labels, colors=colors, autopct='%1.1f%%', startangle=45, pctdistance=0.85,
textprops={"fontsize":14}, radius=1, wedgeprops=dict(width=size, edgecolor='w'))
plot2 = plt.pie(sizes_origine, colors=colors_origine, startangle=45, pctdistance=0.85,
radius=1-size, wedgeprops=dict(width=size, edgecolor='w'))
labels=['%s, %1.1f%%' % (
l, (float(s) / total) * 100) for l, s in zip(labels_origine, sizes_origine)],
bbox_to_anchor=(1.7, 1),
prop={'size': 14},
title="Origine des parts",
plt.title("Répartition des différentes parts de la disponibilité intérieure mondiale", fontsize=20)
# THIS ↓↓↓↓↓
ax = plt.gca()
leg = ax.get_legend()
for index, color_origine in enumerate(colors_origine):
which outputs: