Search code examples

MongoDB lookup with pipeline for nested joins

i have two collections on which i am performing lookup to get combined data as a result.

Company :

  "_id": "638760ea-d109-49fd-8447-b52fe39227a3",
  "company": "test",
  "phones": [
      "iso": "in",
      "number": "54666",
      "label": "CF_61a8c36b3368b0b21dbfbe3d"
      "iso": "hu",
      "number": "54433",
      "label": "CF_61a8c37d3368b0b21dbfbe3e"


  "_id": "096b0446-1099-49f4-87fc-21e583581780",
  "values": [
      "id": "0a5c3f36-a06d-4f34-a1a9-9bbef7370940",
      "code": "CF_61a8c36b3368b0b21dbfbe3d",
      "value": "Personal"
      "id": "693574f9-cb30-48b1-9394-7673c9e71f33",
      "code": "CF_61a8c37d3368b0b21dbfbe3e",
      "value": "Home"

I want output as

  "_id": "638760ea-d109-49fd-8447-b52fe39227a3",
  "company": "test",
  "phones": [
      "iso": "in",
      "number": "54666",
      "label": "CF_61a8c36b3368b0b21dbfbe3d",
      "value": "Personal"
      "iso": "hu",
      "number": "54433",
      "label": "CF_61a8c37d3368b0b21dbfbe3e",
      "value": "Home"

Here is the lookup that i am applying to get the results

  from: 'ContactLables',
  pipeline: [
      { "$match": {
        "$expr": { "$eq": [ "$phones.label", "$$ContactLablesCode" ] }
  as: 'phoneLables'

Above query dos not gives any result for me, any suggestion on this?


  • Query1

    • unwind phones
    • lookup with pipeline but version MongoDB 5 we have localfield/foreighfield + pipeline
    • localfield= the phones.label and foreign=array with the codes
    • if match => the array has the label we want but we don't know which member
    • unwind and match to keep only the value for our phone.label for example "Home"
    • now from every phone we have its value from the other collection
    • fix structure with set/unset (1 set and "$$REMOVE" would work also)
    • finally group back and push the phones to the _id owner

    *to make it fast you need multikey index on ContactLables.value and MongoDB 5 (query here is for MongoDB 5 to be faster and idenx use)

    Test code here

        {"$match":{"$expr":{"$eq":["$values.code", "$$label"]}}},
        {"$project":{"_id":0, "value":"$values.value"}}],


    • same as above, but inside the pipeline reduce is used instead of unwind and match
    • reduce to find the member that does the match, and keep its value for example "Home"

    Test code here

               [{"$eq":["$$this.code", "$$label"]}, "$$this.value",