I have a small personal-use only app that logs into a [throw away] gmail account to pull out an auth-token so it can then run a scheduled job (turning on/off my home cameras). Its dead simple and works, except that the app is in GCP TEST
mode and it looks like the gmail auth expires in 7 days.
I highly doubt based on the below requirements that I can promote the app, and I dont want to publish it regardless. I tried GCP Support and wound up here. Im sure Im not the only person that has dealt with the 7 day expiration on a personal project. Any ideas?
If you check the documentation for oauth2#expiration
A Google Cloud Platform project with an OAuth consent screen configured for an external user type and a publishing status of "Testing" is issued a refresh token expiring in 7 days.
The key hear is setting your project into production.
What you are showing in that image are requirements for application verification. You shouldn't have to go though verification for a single user app.
Try just setting it to prodcution and then wait a week and see if it still expires. It shouldn't
I highly doubt based on the below requirements
Unfortunately with the new security restrictions. I wouldn't doubt anything these days. They keep changing the rules.