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Unexpected error in driver invocation: invalid driver name: SWIFT_EXEC-no-coverage

When using this script on Xcode 13.2.1, the Swift compiler returns the error:

SwiftDriver Alamofire normal i386 (in target 'Alamofire' from project 'Pods')
error: Unexpected error in driver invocation: invalid driver name: SWIFT_EXEC-no-coverage

Probably because there is a conflict with the script SWIFT_EXEC-no-coverage, is there anything that can be done to sort this issue?

For the moment I had to disable this script by commenting this line out to be able to compile the project:

#      config.build_settings['SWIFT_EXEC'] = '$(SRCROOT)/../Scripts/SWIFT_EXEC-no-coverage'


  • As we figured it out offline, now only "swiftc" is the allowed name for the swift driver - hence try renaming "SWIFT_EXEC-no-coverage" to "swiftc" (and adjust the value in Podfile).