I hava a table items
and a table item_attributes
For simplicity let's say my table item has a column id
and a column name
Of cource there is a index on the id
the item_attributes
table has the columns id
, item_id
, attribute_name
and attribute_value
and an index ON attrubute_name
Now I want to query all items with a specific attribut without using a join.
I do this with the following query:
FROM items i
WHERE i.id IN (
SELECT item_id
FROM item_attributes a
WHERE a.attribute_name = 'SomeAttribute'
AND a.attribute_value = 'SomeValue'
the SubQuery itself runs fast.
If I execute the query itself first and use the result for an IN query
FROM items i
WHERE i.id IN (1,3,5,7,10,...)
it is fast, too.
However, combined the query is very, very slow (>2 secs.) If I investigate the query plan I see why: MySQL does a full table scan on the items table instead of executing the subquery first and using the result for an index query.
1, 'PRIMARY', 'items', 'ALL', '', '', '', '', 149726, 'Using where'
2, 'DEPENDENT SUBQUERY', 'item_attributes', 'index_subquery', 'IDX_ATTRIBUTE_NAME', 'IDX_ATTRIBUTE_NAME', '4', 'func', 1, 'Using where'
Is there a way to optimize this query? I know that the subquery will always return only a small resultset (<100 rows).
cannot switch the leading and the driven table in the IN
clause. This is going to be corrected in 6.0
For now, you can rewrite it like this (requires a JOIN
FROM item_attributes a
WHERE a.attribute_name = 'SomeAttribute'
AND a.attribute_value = 'SomeValue'
) ai
JOIN items i
ON i.id = ai.item_id
Since you are using the EAV
model you may want to make a unique index on (attribute_name, item_id)
in which case you can use a plain join:
FROM item_attributes ai
JOIN items i
ON i.id = ai.item_id
WHERE a.attribute_value = 'SomeValue'
AND a.attribute_name = 'SomeAttribute'