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unit test for MediatR in .net6 with generic repo returns null repository

I am using MediatR for command query segregation. I want to test the command method, my command method accept a clientappsetting model as an input .here you can see my whole handler and command code :

   AddClientAppSettingCommandHandler : IRequestHandler<AddClientAppSettingCommand, AddClientAppSettingResponse>
        private readonly ICurrentUserService _userService;
        private readonly IRepository<ClientAppSettings> _repository;

        public AddClientAppSettingCommandHandler(ICurrentUserService userService,
            IRepositoryAccessor repositoryAccessor)
            _userService = userService;
            _repository = repositoryAccessor.GetRepository<ClientAppSettings>(_userService.CustomerIsin,
                reThrowException: true, type: DatabaseType.Raven);

        public async Task<AddClientAppSettingResponse> Handle(AddClientAppSettingCommand request,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            var entity = new ClientAppSettings(_userService.CustomerIsin)
                LightTheme = request.Setting.LightTheme,
                Order = request.Setting.Order,
                Notch = request.Setting.Notch,
                PageSize = request.Setting.PageSize,
                ApplyCommissionInPortfolio = request.Setting.ApplyCommissionInPortfolio,
                UseClosingPriceInPortfolioTotalValue = request.Setting.UseClosingPriceInPortfolioTotalValue,
                ShowNotifications = request.Setting.ShowNotifications,
                NoSleep = request.Setting.NoSleep,
                NoBalance = request.Setting.NoBalance,
                DataTracker = request.Setting.DataTracker,
                UserStatusBarToUp = request.Setting.UserStatusBarToUp,
                PortfolioBasedOnLastPositivePeriod = request.Setting.PortfolioBasedOnLastPositivePeriod,
            var cRepository = CacheableRepository<ClientAppSettings>.From(_repository);
            var result = await cRepository.AddOrUpdateAsync(entity);

            if (!result.IsSucceeded)
                throw new EasyException(EasyException.DATABASE_EXCEPTION, result.Error);
            return AddClientAppSettingResponse.Map(entity);

As you can see my handler has two dependencies ICurrentUserService , IRepositoryAccessor

My problem is IRepositoryAccessor when I run the test the repository object is null .

Here is my repository interface and imp ;

public interface IRepositoryAccessor
    IRepository<TEntity> GetRepository<TEntity>(
        string shard = "public",
        DatabaseType type = DatabaseType.Raven,
        Type inheritedRepository = null,
        bool manualDisposing = false,
        bool reThrowException=false) where TEntity : BaseEntity;

    void CloseSession();


The imp :

 public sealed class RepositoryAccessor : IRepositoryAccessor, IDisposable
        private static readonly Dictionary<Type, object> FlyweightSqlGenerator = new();
        private readonly List<IDisposable> _sessions = new();

        private readonly ITracer _tracer;
        private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
        public RepositoryAccessor(IConfiguration configuration, ITracer tracer = null)
            _configuration = configuration;
            _tracer = tracer;

        public void CloseSession()
            for (int i = 0; i < _sessions.Count; i++)

        public void Dispose() => CloseSession();

        public IRepository<TEntity> GetRepository<TEntity>(
            string shard = "public",
            DatabaseType type = DatabaseType.Raven,
            Type inheritedRepository = null,
            bool manualDisposing = false,
            bool reThrowException = false) where TEntity : BaseEntity
            if (type == DatabaseType.Raven)
                return GetRavenRepository<TEntity>(inheritedRepository, shard, manualDisposing, reThrowException);
            else if (type == DatabaseType.Redis)
                return new RedisRepository<TEntity>();
            return GetSQLRepository<TEntity>(inheritedRepository, manualDisposing, reThrowException);

And here is my test :

public async void Test1()
    var mediator = new Mock<IMediator>();
    var userservice = new Mock<ICurrentUserService>();
    var repo = new Mock<IRepositoryAccessor>();

    AddClientAppSettingCommand command = new AddClientAppSettingCommand(new domain.Entities.ClientAppSettings());
    AddClientAppSettingCommandHandler handler = new AddClientAppSettingCommandHandler(userservice.Object,repo.Object);

    var x = await handler.Handle(command, new System.Threading.CancellationToken());


And when I run the test with debug mode my repository is null : enter image description here


  • I should define IAccessor and IRepository as a mock and setting up the Irepository for IAccessor as you can see :

    var repoacc = new Mock<IRepositoryAccessor>();
                var repo = new Mock<domain.Interfaces.IRepository<ClientAppSettings>>();
                repoacc.Setup(i => i.GetRepository<ClientAppSettings>(It.IsAny<string>(), DatabaseType.Raven, null, false, true)).Returns(repo.Object);