Hi I'm doing a homework on psql databases for my software engineering class and one of the questions I had to do was "Find all the books that contain Python in them" so I tried using the WHERE syntax but it would give me 0 rows no books that have the word Python in the title but there clearly are in the books table can anyone help me out with this?
booktown=# SELECT books.title FROM books WHERE title NOT IN ('Python');
The Shining
2001: A Space Odyssey
The Cat in the Hat
Bartholomew and the Oobleck
Franklin in the Dark
Goodnight Moon
Little Women
The Velveteen Rabbit
Dynamic Anatomy
The Tell-Tale Heart
Programming Python
Learning Python
Perl Cookbook
Practical PostgreSQL
(15 rows)
booktown=# SELECT books.title FROM books WHERE title IN ('Python');
(0 rows)
booktown=# SELECT books.title FROM books WHERE title LIKE 'Python';
(0 rows)
booktown=# SELECT books.title FROM books WHERE title LIKE 'Python';
You should use the LIKE
operator of Postgresql for pattern matching. The way you have queried will do exact matching. See examples at https://www.postgresqltutorial.com/postgresql-like/