I have this time format 2022-01-09T19:04:16
obtained from an API. I would like to show a readable time from this string and also, possibly the difference from given time and current time.
I cannot find a suitable format for this. Can someone please assist? I tried to substring
the retrieved value as below, but, this is not what I want.
let str = "2022-01-09T19:04:16" print(str.suffix(8)) //prints 19:04:16
You can convert the String
to Date
and handle all operations that you would like to do with it.
enum DateFormattingErrors: Error {
case invalidFormat
func formatDate(_ from: String) throws -> Date {
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"
dateFormatter.timeZone = TimeZone(abbreviation: "UTC")
guard let date = dateFormatter.date(from: from) else {
throw DateFormattingErrors.invalidFormat
return date
func UTCFormattedDate(_ from: Date, withDate: Bool) -> String {
let utcDateFormatter = DateFormatter()
if withDate {
utcDateFormatter.dateStyle = .medium
utcDateFormatter.timeStyle = .medium
utcDateFormatter.timeZone = TimeZone(abbreviation: "UTC")
return utcDateFormatter.string(from: from)
do {
let date = try formatDate("2022-01-09T19:04:16")
print(date.timeIntervalSinceNow) //Time difference between given date and current date
print(UTCFormattedDate(date, withDate: false)) // Better representation of date
} catch {
2022-01-10 10:09:03 +0000 //CurrentDate
-54287.22359800339 //Time difference current and given
7:04:16 PM //Formatted date