after two days From deplyoing my application and working fine, I have decided to change the name of the subdomain so i have just rename it under the path:
and then i have did again
sudo certbot --nginx
for the "https" ,
then adding this host in from my django application,
I have did sudo systemctl restart nginx
to restart nginx
sudo systemctl restart gunicorn
python makemigrations
-->No changes detected
python migrate
-->No changes detected
and when i go to the browser to access to my application I got this error
DisallowedHost at /
Invalid HTTP_HOST header: ''. You may need to add '' to ALLOWED_HOSTS.
, otherwise i Have added the host on ""
Help please isn't there any other step i should do when i change the host ,Thanks in advance
You have not showed what you have inside your Django
file, but I assume you have not configured the ALLOWED_HOSTS
variable as you should have. This is how it should look like:
Also, make sure to restart the HTTP server. The settings file is loaded to memory, so if you make changes to it, you need to restart the server.
systemctl restart gunicorn