Search code examples

Sort Select box by price with jQuery

I want the options to be sorted by price. I tried different codes but I was not successful!

This is my normal box:

 <select id="product-list">
 <option>product 1- [2$]</option>
  <option>product 2- [4$]</option>
    <option>product 3- [0.5$]</option>
    <option>product 4- [1.5$]</option>

But I mean something like this:

 <select id="product-list">
 <option>product 3- [0.5$]</option>
  <option>product 4- [1.5$]</option>
    <option>product 1- [2$]</option>
    <option>product 2- [4$]</option>

How can this be done with jQuery?


  • Not trivial

    const re = /\[(\d+\.?\d*)\$\]/; // matches an amount
    const opts = $("#product-list").find("option"); // get the options
    opts.sort(function(a,b) {  // sort them using the textContent 
      const a_amt = a.textContent.match(re)[1];
      const b_amt = b.textContent.match(re)[1];
      return a_amt-b_amt;
    $("#product-list").html(opts); // re-insert the sorted options
    $("#product-list")[0].selectedIndex = 0; // select the new first option
    <script src=""></script>
    <select id="product-list">
      <option>product 1- [2$]</option>
      <option>product 2- [4$]</option>
      <option>product 3- [0.5$]</option>
      <option>product 4- [1.5$]</option>