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How to store intermediate values of circular buffer iterator?

I am a using a boost regex on a boost circular buffer and would like to "remember" positions where matches occur, what's the best way to do this? I tried the code below, but "end" seems to store the same values all the time! When I try to traverse from a previous "end" to the most recent "end" for example, it doesn't work!

  boost::circular_buffer<char> cb(2048);
  typedef boost::circular_buffer<char>::iterator  ccb_iterator;
  boost::circular_buffer<ccb_iterator> cbi(4); 

  //just fill the whole cbi with cb.begin()  

 typedef regex_iterator<circular_buffer<char>::iterator> circular_regex_iterator;

 while (1)
  //insert new data in circular buffer (omitted)
  //basically reads data from file and pushes it back to cb

  boost::circular_buffer<char>::iterator    start,end;  

 circular_regex_iterator regexItr(
        cb.end() , 
         re, //expression of the regular expression
         boost::match_default | boost::match_partial); 
    circular_regex_iterator last;

    while(regexItr != last)

            if((*regexItr)[0].matched == false)
               //partial match      
           // full match:
           start = (*regexItr)[0].first;
           end = (*regexItr)[0].second; 

             //I want to store these "end" positions to to use later so that I can 
             //traverse the buffer between these positions (matches).  

            //cbi stores positions of these matches, but this does not seem to work!                 

            //for example, cbi[2] --> cbi[3] traversal works only first time this 
            //loop is run!




  • This isn't quite as much an answer as an attempt to reconstruct what you're doing. I'm making a simple circular buffer initialized from a string, and I traverse regex matches through that buffer and print the matched ranges. All seems to work fine.

    I would not recommend storing the ranges themselves in a circular buffer; or at the very least the ranges should be stored in pairs.

    Here's my test code:

    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp>
    #include <boost/regex.hpp>
    #include "prettyprint.hpp"
    typedef boost::circular_buffer<char> cb_char;
    typedef boost::regex_iterator<cb_char::iterator> cb_char_regex_it;
    int main()
      std::string sample = "Hello 12 Worlds 34 ! 56";
      cb_char cbc(8, sample.begin(), sample.end());
      std::cout << cbc << std::endl;    // (*)
      boost::regex expression("\\d+");  // just match numbers
      for (cb_char_regex_it m2, m1(cbc.begin(), cbc.end(), expression); m1 != m2; ++m1)
        const auto & mr = *m1;
        std::cout << "--> " << mr << ", range ["
                  << std::distance(cbc.begin(), mr[0].first) << ", "
                  << std::distance(cbc.begin(), mr[0].second) << "]" << std::endl;

    (This uses the pretty printer to print the raw circular buffer; you can remove the line marked (*).)

    Update: Here's a possible way to store the matches:

    typedef std::pair<std::size_t, std::size_t> match_range;
    typedef std::vector<match_range>            match_ranges;
    /* ... as before ... */
      match_ranges ranges;
      for (cb_char_regex_it m2, m1(cbc.begin(), cbc.end(), expression); m1 != m2; ++m1)
        const auto & mr = *m1;
        ranges.push_back(match_range(std::distance(cbc.begin(), mr[0].first), std::distance(cbc.begin(), mr[0].second)));
        std::cout << "--> " << mr << ", range " << ranges.back() << std::endl;
      std::cout << "All matching ranges: " << ranges << std::endl;