seaborn.histplot takes a keyword argument called multiple
with one of {'layer', 'dodge', 'stack', 'fill'}
values. I presume it handles how multiple bars overlap, or when hue
is used. but, the examples and documentation doesn't make it clear on when to use what type of multiple
. Any information from the community will be helpful!!
I think the visible examples are pretty good (in comparison to other "documentation" I have seen).
The default for the parameter "multiple" is layer
which just the different sub-histograms on top of each other. This is helpfull if you want to compare the form(skewness, variation, location of median/average on x-axis ect.) of each sub-histogram and to compare the forms to each other.
piles the bars on top of each other. This would be most usefull if you want to have an idea of the proportion (e.g. which subcategory is more dominantly distributed on which area of the x-axis and a quick look on where there are gaps for which subcategory).
will split the columns next to each other. This is very similar to stack
and in my opinion just a variation with the same intent.
If I remember right, fill
will fill the whole plot.
This is not as useful in my opinion because the lack of the excact form of each distribution could lead to the user miss some important insights.