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How to pass prop from page to layout

I currently have duplicated layout that the only difference is a prop I pass to a component:


      <div class="page">
        <SkipToContent />
        <Header />
        <Nuxt />
        <Footer />


      <div class="page">
        <SkipToContent />
        <Header light="true" />
        <Nuxt />
        <Footer />

Is there any way to pass that light: true from page to layout so I can use only default.vue layout?

I know I could emit some event on mounted but would like to prevent using lifecycle hooks for this


  • Passing data up from a child is ideally done by emitting events, and you don't need to use lifecycle hooks for that (a custom event listener would work).

    But I think a cleaner solution would be to factor out the common markup into a component that receives a light prop, and use them in both layouts:

    <!-- components/CommonLayout.vue -->
      <div class="page">
        <SkipToContent />
        <Header :light="light" />
        <Nuxt />
        <Footer />
    export default {
      props: {
        light: Boolean,
    <!-- layouts/default.vue -->
      <CommonLayout />
    <!-- layouts/front.vue -->
      <CommonLayout light />
