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Complexity of individual in NEAT-Python

When I was programming with NEAT-Python and finishing my experiment I got this message about an individual from the NEAT reporter. What do the numbers after complexity mean?

enter image description here


  • This prints the size attribute for a genome. Quoting from the documentation:

    Returns a measure of genome complexity. This object is currently only given to reporters at the end of a generation to indicate the complexity of the highest-fitness genome. In the DefaultGenome class, this method currently returns (number of nodes, number of enabled connections).

    Note: You can find this by consulting the source code for reporting, whcih shows that the size attribute of the best solution is what is being printed

        def found_solution(self, config, generation, best):
            print('\nBest individual in generation {0} meets fitness threshold - complexity: {1!r}'.format(
                self.generation, best.size()))