I'm new to git and I'm going in circles. I'm not sure this is a normal use case, but I have lets say a branch called dev
and then I have two downstream branches html
and xml
. Each has "whitelist" .gitignore
. They are for cloning into server directories and I want only the files needed in the branch. (WebServer and Network Share for sideloading Office App)
I'm trying to make it so when I push to dev, the "downstream" branches html
and xml
pull/get pushed only the updates files whitelisted in there respective .gitignore
First off here is my setup so as not to avoid the X-Y question problem as I may be doing this incorrectly..
I have githooks setup that when I push to dev, it runs a script that goes into the gitrepo dir and then runs the following:
git checkout html
git pull #probably not needed as it should be updated, but no harm
git pull --no-edit origin dev
git add .
git commit -m "pulled from dev"
git push
Same for the xml.
Here is the HTML whitelist/.gitignore:
Here is the message I keep getting and the "extra files" pulled which were modified as part of my test, but shouldn't be in this branch at all. I initialized the branch without them and have used git rm --cached ExcelWebAddIn1/..
repeatedly and removed and re-cloned my working git directory many times.
...\git\vsdev>git pull --no-edit origin dev
remote: Enumerating objects: 17, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (17/17), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (9/9), done.
remote: Total 9 (delta 6), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
Unpacking objects: 100% (9/9), 724 bytes | 3.00 KiB/s, done.
From ssh://git.freesoftwareservers.com:10022/freesoftwareservers/vsdev
* branch dev -> FETCH_HEAD
47109fd..5fb82df dev -> origin/dev
CONFLICT (modify/delete): ExcelWebAddIn1/ExcelWebAddIn1/ExcelWebAddIn1Manifest/vsdev.localhost.xml deleted in HEAD and modified in 5fb82df36c84c4cc84536a60ecb243088a58d47b. Version 5fb82df36c84c4cc84536a60ecb243088a58d47b of ExcelWebAddIn1/ExcelWebAddIn1/ExcelWebAddIn1Manifest/vsdev.localhost.xml left in tree.
CONFLICT (modify/delete): ExcelWebAddIn1/ExcelWebAddIn1/ExcelWebAddIn1Manifest/vsdev.prod.xml deleted in HEAD and modified in 5fb82df36c84c4cc84536a60ecb243088a58d47b. Version 5fb82df36c84c4cc84536a60ecb243088a58d47b of ExcelWebAddIn1/ExcelWebAddIn1/ExcelWebAddIn1Manifest/vsdev.prod.xml left in tree.
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
So in essence, what am I doing incorrectly? Is it a misconfiguration of .gitignore
as I have been adjusting that thinking it was the issue. Or perhaps the pull command can be tailored?
As well, is there a way to run the pull/push commands without working on a local copy? IE: I'd like my githook script to just push dev
to html
and then cd to the webserver and run pull
. Without having the need for another "clone" directory just sitting for the script to utilize.
Ok, so based on my suspicions and @toreks comments this is not a normal GIT usage. Add that to the fact I was new a git and it took me a while to figure out. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think what threw me off was the idea that a file wasn't tracked if it wasn't commit in that branch, but I believe when I pull a file from master, even if its not committed in that branch its still considered "tracked".
Anyway, these two lines helped me figure things out a lot:
View files ignored:
nano -c .gitignore ; find . -not -path './.git/*' | git check-ignore -v --stdin
View Files Tracked:
git ls-files **/*
And finally I realized the method I should use for this scenario is strictly checkout
. I made .gitignore
files for the html/xml
repos, as I had already figured them out, but at this point, they should only ever be checking out the correct files, that is my "whitelist".
Here is how I restarted and setup the two repos:
git checkout dev
git push origin --delete localhostxml
git branch -d localhostxml
git checkout -b localhostxml
rm * -R
cat <<'EOF'>.gitignore
cat <<'EOF'>update_branch.sh
git checkout origin/dev -- ExcelWebAddIn1/ExcelWebAddIn1/ExcelWebAddIn1Manifest/*.localhost.xml
git add .
git commit -m "pulled from dev"
git push --set-upstream origin localhostxml
git push origin localhost
chmod +x update_branch.sh
git checkout dev
git push origin --delete html
git branch -d html
git checkout -b html
rm * -R
cat <<'EOF'>.gitignore
cat <<'EOF'>update_branch.sh
git checkout origin/dev -- ExcelWebAddIn1/ExcelWebAddIn1Web/*.html
git checkout origin/dev -- ExcelWebAddIn1/ExcelWebAddIn1Web/*.css
git checkout origin/dev -- ExcelWebAddIn1/ExcelWebAddIn1Web/*.js
git checkout origin/dev -- ExcelWebAddIn1/ExcelWebAddIn1Web/Content/
git checkout origin/dev -- ExcelWebAddIn1/ExcelWebAddIn1Web/Images/
git checkout origin/dev -- ExcelWebAddIn1/ExcelWebAddIn1Web/Functions/
git checkout origin/dev -- ExcelWebAddIn1/ExcelWebAddIn1Web/Scripts/
git add .
git commit -m "pulled from dev"
git push --set-upstream origin html
git push origin html
chmod +x update_branch.sh
Finally my hook script:
cd $home
git pull
git checkout html
git checkout localhostxml
git checkout prodxml
cd $html
git checkout html
git pull origin html
cd $xml
git pull
cd $home
touch /tmp/hookin