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Fluentd - file buffer setup for redis_output (or elasticsearch) with multiprocess workers

Can someone help me how to configure the file buffer for multiprocess workers in fluentd? I use this config, but when I add @type file+id to buffer for redis_store plugin, it throws this error:

failed to configure sub output copy: Plugin 'file' does not support multi workers configuration"

without id it failed with:

failed to configure sub output copy: Other 'redis_store' plugin already use same buffer path

But there is a tag in path and for different outputs (file) it works, it doesn't work only with Redis output.

I don't want to use the default memory buffer for this because of increasing memory when there is too much data. Is it possible to config this combo? (multiprocess+file buffer for redis_store plugin or Elasticsearch plugin?)


  workers 4
  root_dir /fluentd/log/buffer/

<worker 0-3>
 @type forward
  port 9880

<label @TEST>
<match test.**> 
 @type forest
 subtype copy
    @type file
    @id "file_${tag_parts[2]}/${tag_parts[3]}/${tag_parts[3]}-#{worker_id}"
    @log_level debug
    path "fluentd/log/${tag_parts[2]}/${tag_parts[3]}/${tag_parts[3]}-#{worker_id}.*.log"
    append true
    flush_mode interval
    flush_interval 3
    flush_at_shutdown true
  @type single_value
  message_key log
     @type redis_store
     host server_ip
     port 6379
     key test
     store_type list
    #@type file CANT USE
    #id test_${tag_parts[2]}/${tag_parts[3]}/${tag_parts[3]}-#{worker_id}  WITH ID - DOESNT SUPPORT MULTIPROCESS.. 
    #path fluentd/log/${tag_parts[2]}/${tag_parts[3]}/${tag_parts[3]}-#{worker_id}.*.log WITHOUT ID - OTHER PLUGIN USE SAME BUFFER PATH
    flush_mode interval
    flush_interval 3
    flush_at_shutdown true
    flush_thread_count 4


  • Fluentd v1.14.3
  • fluent-plugin-redis-store v0.2.0
  • fluent-plugin-forest v0.3.3



  • The redis_store config was wrong, correct version has id under FIRST @type:

         @type redis_store
         @id test_${tag_parts[2]}/${tag_parts[3]}/${tag_parts[3]}-#{worker_id} 
         host server_ip
         port 6379
         key test
         store_type list
        @type file
        flush_mode interval
        flush_interval 3
        flush_at_shutdown true
        flush_thread_count 4

    Thank you for your time Azeem :)