Installed firebase-tools
version 10.0.1
using npm
and run the following command:
firebase projects:create
? Please specify a unique project id (warning: cannot be modified afterward) [6-30 characters]:
? What would you like to call your project? (defaults to your project ID) Tour of Heroes
Error: Failed to create project because there is already a project with ID tour-of-heroes. Please try again with a unique project ID.
I tried the same with different project ID and names but getting same error.
The error message tells you what is wrong:
there is already a project with ID tour-of-heroes
Project IDs have to be globally unique within all Firebase projects (o across all users) and a project named tour-of-heroes
already exists.
The error message also tells you what to do:
Please try again with a unique project ID.
The suggestion to use the console is precisely because that will ensure your project ID is unique amongst all Firebase projects.
If you want to use the CLI, it is up to you to use a unique project ID - for example by adding a unique suffix (e.g. tour-of-heroes-20220109
or yousafs-tour-of-heroes