I am using GORM and I have these models:
type User struct {
ID uint
Email string
type Profile struct {
ID uint
Domain string
UserID uuid.UUID
User User `gorm:"references:UUID"`
Now I want to find all users that have a profile with domain e.g. example.com
I already tried some "Join" queries but I did not get it to work. However I managed to get it working by using a subquery:
var users []users
"uuid IN (?)",
DB.Select("user_id").Where("domain = ?", "example.com").Table("profiles")
But I don't think this is a pretty elegant way. I think a join would be more straight forward. How do I convert this subquery to a join query?
Try this
DB.Select("u.*").Table("users u").Joins("INNER JOIN profiles p on p.user_id = u.uuid").Where("p.domain = ?", "example.com").Find(&users)
this will result:
SELECT u.* FROM users u INNER JOIN profiles p on p.user_id = u.uuid WHERE p.domain = "example.com"