I searched various questions on SO regarding inaccessible submodule matter, but mostly is decade-old posts, fix on it didn't worked.
I am already using https://username...
link instead of git@username...
in .gitmodules
which is what most of the solutions points out.
Is my Submodule setup wrong, or is it just Github failing to pull submodule?
Content of .gitmodules
[submodule "./docs/SimpleLive2dViewer"]
path = ./docs/SimpleLive2dViewer
url = https://github.com/jupiterbjy/SimpleLive2dViewer
Folder structure: /docs/SimpleLive2dViewer
git command used for child clone
git submodule add https://github.com/jupiterbjy/SimpleLive2dViewer .\docs\SimpleLive2dViewer
git push --recurse-submodules=check
Since it worked with local jekyll serve, I am guessing github couldn't clone repository properly - which raise another mystery that deployment didn't reported any errors.
Other non-submodule sites on same directory loads fine.
I was in the same situation but didn't have to go as far as the cloning steps in jupiterbjy's answer. I had added my repo X as a submodule of my GitHub Pages repo, but X didn't have Pages enabled in its settings. When I enabled that, GitHub said it would be published at [username].github.io/X
(ie not apparently requiring the use of a submodule). I removed the submodule from the Pages repo and pushed it, and all was fine after that.