I am a beginner in Swift. I am trying to make app to fetch data from a Django server, but I'm stuck in fetch data from Closure, my code is as below:
var datasource: [Vender] = []
override func vieDidLoad() {
print(datasource) //#1 print
func loadata(){
VenderAPI(method: "GET", endpoint: "vender", APIportocol: Vender(), index: "") {
Result in
switch Result {
case .failure(let error):
case .success(let APIdata):
for data in APIdata {
print(self.datasource) //#2 print
My question is, I can get #2 print (correct data and format from server), but not #1 print (always empty). Can somebody help me? I will so appreciate.
as @Larme mentioned, you need to deal with the asynchronous function. Read-up about it. Try this approach:
override func viewDidLoad() {
loaddata() { done in // <--- here
print(datasource) // print when all work is done
func loadata(completion: @escaping(Bool) -> ()) { // <--- here
VenderAPI(method: "GET", endpoint: "vender", APIportocol: Vender(), index: "") {
result in
switch result {
case .failure(let error):
case .success(let APIdata):
for data in APIdata {
completion(true) // <--- here