I need to calculate md5 hash of files in a directory hierarchy. I am using the following case as a test. The Android device I have has a md5
binary, but needs absolute path of file (md5 <filename>
I have the following directory hierarchy on a Android device:
To get list of absolute paths, I followed the answer mentioned here.
$ adb shell 'function rcrls() { ls -d $1/* | while read f; do echo "$f"; if [ -d "$f" ]; then rcrls "$f"; fi; done } ; rcrls /data/local/tmp/' > filelist.txt
Now I have list of absolute paths of each file.
Next I want to read this file in a script line by line, and call md5
for each line. md5
will print a message if the input is a directory. I followed the example here.
#! /bin/bash
cat $filename | while read LINE; do
adb shell 'md5 $LINE'
I get the following output:
could not read /data/local/tmp/test1, Is a directory
I expected it to print a directory warning for test1 and test2, and then md5 for test3, as test3 is a file. Can someone suggest how to fix this code ? I was expecting something like:
could not read /data/local/tmp/test1, Is a directory
could not read /data/local/tmp/test1/test2, Is a directory
<hash_value> /data/local/tmp/test1/test2/test3
You should use find
adb shell find /data/local/tmp -type f -exec md5sum {} '\;'