I am trying to create a prototype that could guide a person to his destination place.
For sure there is already look a like sample application available. Could you share the concepts/ideas or would you include the code snippets. Big Help with my thesis.
Any guidance on the right direction is appreciated.
You have a couple possibilities, create your own MapView like object to provide scrolling ot overlay your map on the Google Api. Example usage of the MapView Api is available through the Location dev guide.
To do this via your own View will be easier if you understand basic graphics programming and transformations for zoom and pan. (If you're good at math it will be no trouble to learn). Use an ImageView with android:scaleType="matrix"
override the MotionEvent handler to get the touches then process them into a tranlation and zoom matrix.
To associate the indicator to the image make two pixels into anchor points that coorespond to a real life lat/long. Usually its (0,0) and (width,height) of a rectangular image. Make your life easier and make sure the images are to scale. Then using a second ImageView (for the indicator) draw it on top and move it to the correct place on the screen and make sure the background in this View is transparent as well as the background of your indicator or you'll have a rectangular block "halo".
Be sure to check the accuracies of each location given by the LocationManager.
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onCurrentPosition(Location current){
double hypotenuse = upperLeft.distanceTo(current);
double bearing = upperLeft.bearingTo(current);
double currentDistanceX = Math.cos(bearing) * hypotenuse;
// "percentage to mark the position"
double currentPixelX = (currentDistanceX / upperLeft.distanceTo(lowerRight) * Math.cos(upperLeft.bearingTo(lowerRight))) * mapWidth;