Actually, I was trying to change the skeletal mesh of car in UE4, in the wheeled vehicle demo project which comes in ue4 c++ API. Firstly I inherited blueprint from ue4 wheeled vehicle c++ class. Then I opened blueprint editor and replaced default skeletal mesh to my skeletal mesh. I assigned bone names correctly. Then everything was in its place(according to me) Then I recompiled. Then I placed blueprint in level and possess it. But when I clicked W,A,S,D keys it doesn't work. And the car doesn't move at all.
If I am doing any mistake, please guide me through steps and how can I resolve it.
The animation blueprint is also tied to a specific Skeleton. If your new skeletal mesh uses a different skeleton than the one currently assigned to your skeletal mesh component, then you will need to create a new corresponding animation blueprint to use with it.