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Terraform force delete IAM group on destroy

I have created an IAM group via terraform using the following code snippet. Later I manually assigned users to this group depending on demands – therefore these group associations are managed outside terraform.

resource "aws_iam_group" "eks_user" {
  name          = "eks_user"
  path          = "/eks/user/"
  force_destroy = true

Now I want to delete the group using terraform destroy to save costs at the end of the day, but it fails as the group still has users assigned. How can I still delete resources even they have associations?

module.main.module.vpc.module.vpc.aws_vpc.this[0]: Destruction complete after 0s
module.main.module.eks.module.eks.aws_iam_role.cluster[0]: Destruction complete after 2s
│ Error: Error deleting IAM Group eks_user: DeleteConflict: Cannot delete entity, must remove users from group first.
│       status code: 409, request id: 479d0bfb-b099-4d4a-9753-d1c7601d142e


  • You can use the AWS CLI to remove those users:

    And on Terraform you can use a null resource to do the removal when you call destroy,
    something like:

    resource "null_resource" "remove_users" {
      depends_on  = ["aws_iam_group.your_group"]
      provisioner "local-exec" {
        when    = "destroy"
        command = "aws iam remove-user-from-group --user-name Bob --group-name Admins"

    of course that is a very simple command ...
    you probably will need multiple of those removals or a loop to remove all

    Now if you are exclusively doing this to reduce costs,
    you might not need to do this, seem the AWS Groups are free

    Any AWS customer can use IAM. The service is offered at no additional charge. You will be charged only for the use of other AWS services by your users.