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After installing Pimcore demo i cannot enter /admin

So i'm trying to install Pimcore to my local environment.

I followed the steps at:

The install wen't fine with just one error about running a sql: * An exception occurred while executing 'DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS PLUGIN_CMF_COLLECT_ASSET_SEGMENT_ASSIGNMENTS;

I did fix that by logging in to mysql as root and executed the query described from this:

So, all installed i went to my browser and localhost. The Pimcore demo page loads, but with no images. And i'm not able to enter /admin. the page doesn't excist.

I have googled around for hours and read about filepermissions, so i set the pimcore project folder to rw for all users.

When i check the project folder i have no "web" folder or "admin" folder..

So where should i look next?
Should there be an admin folder in my project root?


  • So the problem seemed to be in httpd.conf

    user _www (had to be my personal account)
    group _www (had to be staff)

    Also i have missed the AllowOverride All setting.