In the users
collection in Firestore, I have all users' uid
as documents, inside each user document I am storing user preferences.
For example, here's a sample of user preferences I am saving in a specific user document:
"preferences": {
"settings": {
"themeColorMode": "light-mode",
"debugMode": false
"filterChips": {
"pathName": {
"filterChipsPreferences": true
I want to update user document with the data sent in the body of an API
I want that API to be compatible in a way such that
& preferences.filterChips
& preferences.filterChips.filterChipsPreferences
For example, in the request body I am sending this info:
"preferences": {
"settings": {
"themeColorMode": "dark-mode",
"isSoundNotificationOn": false,
"isAppListeningToStream": true
"filterChips": {
"pathName": {
"filterChipsPreferences": false
"FirstUsedSearch": "23/12/2021"
"columnDefs": {
"pathName": {
"ColumnDefsPreferences": true
"search": {
I am expecting this result to be saved in the user's document
"preferences": {
"settings": {
"themeColorMode": "dark-mode",
"isSoundNotificationOn": false,
"isAppListeningToStream": true,
"debugMode": false
"filterChips": {
"pathName": {
"filterChipsPreferences": false
"FirstUsedSearch": "23/12/2021"
"columnDefs": {
"pathName": {
"ColumnDefsPreferences": true
"search": {
How could I approach that?
Since you are using the Node.js Admin SDK on the server that calls Firestore, it is actually quite straightforward: you need to use the update()
method of the DocumentReference
method accepts either an object with field paths encoded as keys and field values encoded as values, or a variable number of arguments that alternate between field paths and field values.
More precisely:
// 1/ Define your DocumentReference
const userId = ...;
const docRef = admin.firestore().doc(`users/${userId}`);
// 2/ Get the desired elements from the payload received by your API and use them to build the object to pass to the update method
// For example
const updateObj = {
preferences.settings.debugMode: false,
preferences.settings.themeColorMode: "myColor",
preferences.filterChips.filterChipsPreferences: "myPref",
aNewRootNode: {
foo: 'bar',
bar: 'foo'
await docRef.update(updateObj);
More info on how to update fields in nested objects can be found in the doc of the JS SDK.