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Reorganize index and column DataFrame Pandas

I'm supposed to create a palindrome checker and convert them into dataFrame.

The code:

import pandas as pd 
# TODO: Check if the number is palindrome or not and convert them into DataFrame
n = [1,0,1] 
g = n == n[::-1]

a = pd.DataFrame(n)
a['Is Palindrome'] = g

The Output:

                0       1       2
0               3       0       3
Is Palindrome   True    True    True

But the output I want the DataFrame to print is:

  0     1    2   Is Palindrome
  3     0    3   True

How do I build that?


  • You could use pandas to do it:

    df['Palindrome']=[str(i)==str(i)[::-1] for i in df['Number']]
       Number  Palindrome
    0     101        True
    1     202        True
    2     301       False

    Or if you want to transpose it:

                   0     1      2
    Number       101   202    301
    Palindrome  True  True  False