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Which normalization rule does this table violate?

I have a table executors with columns:

id(pk) | order_id | executor_id(ek) | execution_price | created_at | selected
1        1                 200               1893883332   NULL

So, this table contains all available executors and their price.

When executor is set the field selected is changed to TRUE. Also I wonder which normalization rule does this schema violate.

Should I create a separate table where store selected executor? Also how to set constrain on the selected to avoid selection some executors?

The executor_id refers to external table Version is: 10.4.22-MariaDB


  • Put a check constraint on selected, that enforces it to be of only one value v. Then put a unique constraint on (order_id, selected). Different rows with the same non NULL order_id but a NULL value in selected won't violate uniqueness. But different rows with v would. Another value isn't possible due to the check constraint.

    CREATE TABLE executors
                 ( -- other columns
                  order_id integer
                           NOT NULL,
                  selected boolean,
                   -- other constraints
                  CHECK (selected = 1),
                  UNIQUE (order_id,
